Captain's Log: Creating a HomeSeer rPi image

Build a better HomeSeer Raspberry Pi image: 64-bit OS, smaller size, and systemd service support.

Captain's Log: Creating a HomeSeer rPi image
Photo by Harrison Broadbent / Unsplash
Stardate: -297802.96052130894

After struggling with the official HomeSeer Raspberry Pi image, I decided it was time to build something better. Faster. More efficient. Something that truly takes advantage of the hardware.

While HomeSeer provides a prebuilt image, I encountered a few issues that made it less than ideal:

  1. The OS: The official image runs a 32-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS, limiting access to the full RAM available on higher-spec models. Given that I went out of my way to get better hardware, I want HomeSeer to take full advantage of it.
  2. The File Size: At 4GB, the existing image is bulky and takes a long time to download. On top of that, it’s compressed as a ZIP file rather than an XZ archive, requiring an extra step before burning it to an SD card.
  3. Service Management: HomeSeer is launched via a startup script instead of a systemd service. This makes it difficult to control remotely via SSH—terminating the Mono process manually just causes it to respawn.

Mission Objectives

To solve these issues, I set out to create a better HomeSeer Raspberry Pi image with the following improvements:

  • Use a 64-bit OS to fully utilize available system resources.
  • Reduce the file size for faster downloads and easier deployment.
  • Run HomeSeer as a systemd service for better management and remote control.

Warp Speed: Skip to the Final Image

To save you the trouble of reading the rest of the guide, if all you need is access to the final image, you can download it from here:

You can flash into your own Raspberry Pi using the steps from this other article:

Running HomeSeer on Raspberry Pi
Build your own powerful smart home hub with a tiny footprint. We’ll put together a dedicated HomeSeer system using a Raspberry Pi 4.

Launch Sequence: A Step-by-Step Guide

For this guide I strongly recommend using a small-capacity SD card of 8GB max. This will reduce the amount of time spent generating and modifying the intermediate IMG file

Phase One: Booting the 64-bit OS

The first step is to boot the Raspberry Pi into the official base image for the 64 bit OS.

  1. Grab the base image from the official site. Choose the Raspberry Pi OS Lite version since we won't need support for desktop.
  2. Use the Raspberry Pi Imager software to flash the image into a new SD card.
  3. When asked if you want to customize the OS, click on Edit Settings
    1. Set hostname to HS4RPi
    2. Set username to homeseer with password hsthsths4
    3. Optional: Configure WLAN if you don't plan to plug an Ethernet cable
    4. Under Services make sure Enable SSH is selected with password authentication
  1. Once the process completes, remove the card from your computer and insert it into the Raspberry Pi, then boot into it.
  2. If you did not configure the WiFi earlier, make sure to plug a cable into the Ethernet port.
  3. After a couple minutes, you should be able to ping the Raspberry Pi from another machine on the network using the address ssh [email protected]
antonio@Antonios-MacBook-Pro ~ % ssh [email protected]  
The authenticity of host 'hs4rpi.local (2601:600:a400:abe4:4e1a:8671:f9fc:3484)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:tHyHJNAh81S7KIa7Gxd+RlAff8oImalSHKc2NkJ0H24.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'hs4rpi.local' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password: 
Linux HS4RPi 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.74-1+rpt1 (2025-01-27) aarch64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

Phase Two: Prepare the OS with HomeSeer and Tools

Next, we need to install HomeSeer and set it to start automatically on boot. We will also install a few tools that will come handy later down the road, like Git, Docker, etc.

  1. Change the password for root with passwd root and set it to homeseerpi
  2. Run the following script to complete the setup:

#  Go to home folder


#  Set the hostname

sudo raspi-config nonint do_hostname HS4RPi

#  Set country code for WLAN

sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country US

#  Install useful apps

sudo apt install -y ssh vim git curl htop

#  Enable SSH service

sudo systemctl enable ssh

#  Install docker

curl -fsSL | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker homeseer

#  Install mono

sudo apt-get install -y mono-complete

#  Install VBNC (for VB script support)

sudo apt-get install -y git autoconf automake libtool make gettext
git clone
cd mono-basic
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf mono-basic

#  Install other HS dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y flite aha ffmpeg alsa-utils

#  Uninstall britty

sudo apt-get remove brltty

#  Get latest HS4 distribution


#  Create run folder and unpack

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local
sudo tar -xvf linux_4_2_22_4.tar.gz -C /usr/local

#  Create homeseer service

sudo wget -O /etc/systemd/system/homeseer.service
sudo wget -O /usr/local/HomeSeer/stop
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/HomeSeer/stop
sudo systemctl enable homeseer

#  Cleanup worksspace and reduce final image size

sudo apt autoremove -y
sudo apt clean
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1d
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*
sudo rm -rf /tmp/*
sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/*
rm ~/.bash_history

#  Zero out free space (this can take several minutes)

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M
sudo rm -f /EMPTY

#  Remove bash history and shut down

rm ~/.bash_history
sudo shutdown now

Phase 3: Install PiShrink

PiShrink is a handy tool that will let us compress the size of the image file by relocating all used sectors, removing blank space and compressing the final image. This tool can run from either Linux (natively) or Windows/Mac (using docker).

To install it on Linux:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wget parted gzip pigz xz-utils udev e2fsprogs
chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin

To install it on Mac:

git clone && cd PiShrink
docker build -t pishrink .
echo "alias pishrink='docker run -it --rm --platform linux/amd64 --privileged=true -v $(pwd):/workdir pishrink'" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Phase 4: Creating the Final Image

Almost there. The last step is to create a new image file with all the modifications we just made.

  1. Take the SD card out of the Pi, insert into a Mac or Linux machine. If on Mac, umnount the disk first (if it gets auto-mounted).
sudo dd if=/dev/disk6 of=HS4RPi_64v1.img bs=4M status=progress
  1. Shrink and compress the IMG file, using the PiShrink tool we installed earlier.
pishrink -aZ HS4RPi_64v1.img

The output of the last command will give out the final product:HS4RPi_64v1.img.xz

Final Transmission: Next Steps

We reached our destination and achieved our original objective. We have now an image with a 64-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS. This file takes about 1.0GB once compressed, and also can be loaded directly into the Raspberry Pi Imager so there is no need to extract the file. And, HomeSeer runs as a systemd service!

Now we can use this image while following the steps from Running HomeSeer on Raspberry Pi. Any time we log into the Rasbperry Pi using SSH, we will now be able to do the following:

# Stop HomeSeer
sudo systemctl stop homeseer

# Start HomeSeer
sudo systemctl start homeseer

Notes on the HomeSeer Service Unit

Taking a closer look at how we configured the HomeSeer service, the following is the systemd unit definition:


# User=antonio
ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc ./go
ExecStop=/bin/bash ./stop


You will also notice we added a custom stop script to gracefully terminate HomeSeer:


PID=$(pgrep -f "^mono HSConsole.exe")

if [[ -n "$PID" ]]; then
    echo "Killing process $PID..."
    kill -SIGINT "$PID"
    while ps -p "$PID" > /dev/null 2>&1; do
        echo "Waiting for process $PID to exit..."
        sleep 1
    echo "Process with $PID has exited"
    echo "No matching process found."

Without these changes, when stopping HomeSeer systemd would simply terminate the process (mono) which could lead to data integrity issues with HomeSeer's device database.

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