Real-Time Server Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

Keep tabs on your Linux server’s health in real-time. Use Grafana to monitor CPU, memory, storage, process and container metrics.

Real-Time Server Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring your Linux server in real-time is crucial to keep it running smoothly and to react quickly at the first sign of an issue, thus preventing potential failures. Whether your server is running software for home automation, media streaming, or other self-hosted solutions, tracking key metrics like CPU usage, memory consumption, disk health, and running processes gives you better control over system performance. Rather than opportunistically checking logs or inspecting instant CPU/RAM metrics, having access to detailed historical data gives you a deeper insight into your system behavior.

In this guide, we’ll set up Prometheus and Grafana—two powerful open-source tools—to visualize your server’s health at a glance. By deploying everything via Docker, we ensure an easy, portable, and reproducible setup. We’ll also use various exporters to gather system metrics, allowing you to track everything from CPU load to disk health in one sleek dashboard. Let’s dive in and build a real-time monitoring solution that keeps you informed at all times!

Do you want to take a peek at what our final monitoring solution will look like? Follow this link to try out an interactive version of one of the dashboards we will be setting up, populated with real-world serer metrics.

The Components of Our Monitoring Stack

There are multiple alternatives available to build a monitoring stack for servers running on Linux. For this guide we have chosen a solution built on software components that are popular, easy to configure and deploy, and provide good scalability for our future self-hosting needs.

Prometheus: The Core of Monitoring

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for collecting and storing time-series metrics. Most important to our guide are its ability to scrape metrics from services using HTTP requests at regular intervals, and storing them in its own time-series database (TSDB). Prometheus is highly scalable, supports multi-dimensional data, and comes with a flexible query language (PromQL) to analyze metrics effectively. In this guide, we’ll use Prometheus to collect and store system metrics using various exporters.

Grafana: Visualizing Metrics in Real-Time

Grafana is an open-source analytics and visualization tool that connects to Prometheus (and other data sources) to provide interactive dashboards. With Grafana, you can create customizable graphs, set up alerts, and gain deeper insights into system performance. We’ll configure Grafana to display real-time data from our Prometheus setup, making it easy to monitor CPU load, memory usage, storage health, and more in a single, user-friendly interface.

Data Exporters: Collecting System Metrics

To gather detailed metrics from the server, we’ll use a set of Prometheus exporters—each designed to collect specific types of data. Node Exporter will provide essential system metrics like CPU, memory, and disk usage. Process Exporter will allow us to monitor specific processes running on the system. Smartctl Exporter will retrieve SMART data from storage devices to track disk health and prevent failures. Finally, cAdvisor (Container Advisor) will collect resource usage statistics for running containers, making it invaluable for Docker-based environments. These exporters will work together to provide a comprehensive view of your system’s performance.

Our monitoring stack deployed with docker

What We Need Before Getting Started

We will be using Docker to deploy and manage our monitoring stack. We will also be using Portainer to speed up the configuration and deployment steps. Make sure you have followed the steps in both of the relevant guides, linked below. In particular, make sure that you configure your application data directory according to the guide:

Reference: Docker Setup and Storage Management
Why use Docker for deployment, how to install it on a Linux server, and best practices for managing application data.
Simple Container Management With Portainer
Managing containers efficiently can be a daunting task, especially for those new to Docker. While the command line provides full control, it often comes with a steep learning curve and complexity. This is where Portainer steps in—offering a clean, intuitive interface that simplifies container orchestration and management, making it

Deploying Our Monitoring Stack

In this section we are going to stand up all the services that form our monitoring stack.

Step 1: Set Up Our Workspace and Application Data

We will create a workspace where we are going to work on our stack definition file. From this location we are also going to download the initial set of application data files and place them in the location where they will be loaded by the services at runtime.

# Update if your appdata path is different

# Download appdata files

# Unpack into local appdata folder
unzip -n -d $appdata/

# Setup proper permissions
sudo chown -R nobody:docker $appdata/process-exporter
sudo chown -R nobody:docker $appdata/prometheus
sudo chown -R nobody:docker $appdata/grafana

Step 2: Deploy The App Template With Portainer

In this step, we will be using Portainer to deploy our monitoring stack using its friendly Web UI.

If you prefer to deploy using the CLI, follow the steps described in the section: Deployment With Docker Compose at the end of this article, then come back to continue with the guide.

Open your server environment in Portainer (usually local) and select the meny option Templates > Application. In the list of templates, choose the one for Linux Server Monitoring. If you don't see the template in the list, make sure you have configured the app template location in Portainer

Under Configuration, enter a name for your stack (e.g. monitoring), review the rest of the settings, and hit Deploy the stack.

That's it! Our monitoring stack should now be up and running, collecting metrics from our system. The last step is to set up Grafana and create some dashboards! 🚀

Setup The Dashboards In Grafana

Now that our stack is up and running, we need to create some dashboards that feed from the metrics that are being scraped and stored into Prometheus' time-series database.

Step 1: Sign-in To Grafana

The Grafana service should be up and running on our server, and it should be listening for connections on port 3000 (unless you set a different value in the template configuration in Portainer). So we can now open a web browser and point it to the Grafana web portal. If your server has a graphic logon (e.g. Ubuntu Desktop) you can launch Firefox on the server itself and open http://localhost:3000. If your server is headless, you'll need to do this from another computer on the same network and point it to your http://your_server_ip:3000.

Initial Grafana login screen

The first time that we launch Grafana after setting up our stack, we can login with the default username admin and password admin. You will be immediately asked to change the administrator password—choose a strong password and write it down somewhere safe (ideally a password manager, such as 1Password).

Step 2: Download And Import Sample Dashboards

I've curated a set of dashboards that will help us jump-start our Grafana server with useful visualizations that leverage all the metrics exporters that we just deployed using Docker. To set them up, download the file linked below:

The ZIP archive linked above contains a total of five (5) dashboards. The table below describes the content of each dashboard. Follow the link on each dashboard filename to view an example of the dashboard using real-world data:

linux.json Primary dashboard, with a mix of high-level metrics for a Linux server
docker.json Shows resource usage of docker containers running in the server
processes.json Shows resource usage by individual processes running on the server
storage.json Shows details about mount points and devices (HDD, SDD and NVME)
prometheus.json Shows details about the performance of the Prometheus service itself

We need to extract the contents of the ZIP file into a local folder. Then we need to head back to the Grafana website and, for each of the files on the ZIP file, take the following steps:

  • Open the Dashboards section from the left-side menu.
  • Click on the New button.
  • In the drop-down menu that shows, select Import.
  • The next screen gives the option to drag-and-drop the file we want to import, or select a file from the computer. Using either alternative, pick the next file from the ZIP.
  • In the screen that follows, select our prometheus data source and,
  • Finally, hit the Import button.

Step 3: Start Using The New Dashboards! 🎉

From the dashboards we just imported, the one called Linux is meant to be used as a starting point. At the top of this dashboard we will find 2 groups of links, under Systems and Applications. These links will navigate to the more detailed dashboards, while maintaining the current values for variables and time-ranges.

Tweaking Our Stack Configuration (Optional)

Eventually, we may need to make some changes to the configuration on our monitoring services. Here are a few examples, and the location where you will need to make those changes:

  • Change the retention policy for Prometheus data. If we want to keep more or less data than the default (90 days or 150GB) we can make this change using Portainer. Open the stack (Stacks > monitoring), switch to the Editor tab and expand the Environment variables section. Make the necessary changes and then hit Update the stack.
  • Include additional scrape jobs in Prometheus. If we want to include metrics for additional services in our home lab (e.g. HomeSeer) we need to add their information to our Prometheus configuration. This is specified in /srv/appdata/prometheus/prometheus.yml but the specific changes are dependent on the service we need to include.
  • Fine tuning the amount of information collected from running processes. By default, process-exporter will be collecting information from every process running in our server. We may need to adjust the configuration to exclude some or only capture information about a specific subset of processes. This is specified in /srv/appdata/process-exporter/config.yml

What's Next?

Now that we have a functional monitoring stack running with Docker, there's more advanced things we can do that leverage our setup. Here's a few ideas to get you started:

  • You can build upon what we learned while setting up Direct Access for HomeSeer and use Tailscale to access your Grafana dashboards securely from anywhere in the world, using your phone, tablet or laptop.
  • If you already host another web service, or want to host multiple additional services alongside Grafana, you can setup a reverse proxy like Traefik (also using Docker!)
  • You can use the Prometheus and Grafana that we just setup to scrape device metrics from HomeSeer and gain useful insights on your Smart Home setup. A guide on this will be coming shortly!

Alternative: Deployment With Docker Compose

In this section we will deploy the monitoring stack using Docker Compose. Only follow these steps if you chose not to use Portainer.

Step 1: Setup your deployment workspace

mkdir -p ~/compose/monitoring
cd ~/compose/monitoring



Step 2: Review the deployment configuration

Now, open the file ~/compose/monitoring/.env with your favorite text editor and make any necessary changes to the variables in the file:

APPDATA_LOCATION /srv/appdata Path to appdata location
SMARTCTL_INTERVAL 30s How often to poll devices for SMART status
PROMETHEUS_RETENTION_TIME 90d How long to store metrics data in Prometheus
PROMETHEUS_RETENTION_SIZE 150GB Largest size to allow the TSDB file to grow before trimming
GRAFANA_WEB_PORT 3000 Port on the host (server) that will be mapped to the Grafana website

Step 3: Deploy the stack

Back from our deployment workspace, we use Docker Compose to create the stack:

# Go back to our workspace
cd ~/compose/monitoring

# Launch our stack (detached)
sudo docker compose up -d

Now we sit back and wait for Docker to work its magic. Once the last command completes, all the services on our stack will be up and running.

Composing our monitoring stack with docker

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